Top Tips for preparing for Family Mediation


Mediation offers an easy and affordable alternative to litigation when it comes to settling divorce disputes and determining asset division and co-parenting strategies for both parents and their children. Australia offers both government-funded and private centers offering mediation options depending on your unique case circumstances. Experienced Spanish-speaking Attorney/Mediators in Houston provide mediation and arbitration. Spanish speaking mediator in Houston Texas ability to speak fluent Spanish enables them to converse easily with parties involved and discuss all aspects of mediation in Spanish is unparalleled.

Independent mediators provide invaluable help in reaching an agreement through both individual and group sessions, without taking sides or taking a stand against either party. Their aim is to educate both sides on underlying issues while respecting others’ viewpoints in order to develop equitable and practical solutions within family law’s guidelines. Sessions usually consist of both divorcing couples and mediators attending; lawyer-assisted mediation sessions offer another method where each party can be represented by their attorney. When family violence exists ‘shuttle mediators may provide necessary safety for both parties involved ensuring both remain safely apart – while shuttle mediators may ensure their separation and security if applicable.

What is Family Dispute Resolution?

FDR (Family Dispute Resolution) is a form of mediation which emphasizes taking into account the needs and wants of children before helping them reach an agreement on issues related to property division or parental conflict resolution. According to Australian Family Law, FDR procedures must take place prior to filing a Family Law Court petition for parenting orders; either privately or through government-funded services like:

– Family Relationship Centres

– Legal Aid Commissions

– Community-based family law services

Follow our top tips to help make your mediation a positive experience:-

Be Prepared

Being properly prepared for mediation sessions will ensure the maximum benefit from them, giving you an opportunity to resolve issues outside of court and reach the result you seek. Mediation can provide you with an opportunity to avoid the expense, time and stress associated with court. Discuss the procedure with the mediator so you are well-informed of what to expect during mediation sessions, and be sure to consider any issues you wish to address beforehand. Record your thoughts in a notebook if it helps keep your focus during sessions. When requested by the mediator for documents or information, provide it promptly and completely; also ensure you keep copies of documents handy so as to be able to clarify them if needed.

Stay Calm

Be sure to set aside enough time for mediation; don’t feel pressured into attending every meeting quickly. At meetings, expect the unexpected; discuss any questionable scenarios raised by your ex with your mediator before responding; don’t rush decisions during mediation – there is time between meetings for reflection and legal advice as needed. If you become emotionally distressed during mediation meetings, notify the mediator so they can assist in finding avenues that suit both of your situations; remember they are there to facilitate resolution for both of you!


Listen and attend carefully when the other person speaks. Focus on their problems rather than feelings for your former partner; staying present to what’s being said allows you to consider all possibilities.

Be Determined

Stay determined in your quest to resolve issues outside of court. While finding solutions might prove challenging, remaining positive will go far in finding one. Positive thinking will aid mediation efforts through even its toughest phases – perseverance will pay off in spades! While mediation requires determination and effort from both sides involved, remember that its worth your while since staying out of the courtroom could save thousands in legal fees!

Be Realistic

Before entering into mediation, be sure to be realistic with your goals. Mediation is not about winning but finding practical and viable solutions to issues at hand. Examine what could work for both parties involved – what might benefit them and you – with help from your mediator who can guide deeper thinking and facilitate creativity outside the box. Mediation solutions tend to be more unique and varied than what a judge could impose, being tailored specifically to your family situation and unique preferences.