Keep your evidence for your personal injury claim


You should return to your home immediately after an accident occurs, whether it was a traffic accident or a fall on another person’s property. It’s possible to discover something that you didn’t know about at the time of the accident, but it may help you understand what happened. For example, a worn spot where you fell or a broken traffic light. You may also find someone else who witnessed the accident or has information about other accidents that occurred in the exact same area.

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Photograph the accident scene from several angles, including the view right before it happened. This will help you keep a clear picture in your head and give to the insurance company later to show how prepared you are to receive the compensation you deserve. To show how much traffic is present, photograph the accident scene on the same day and time as the accident. You can find more tips for taking photos here.

Protect physical evidence

Sometimes, “physical” evidence is used to prove fault for an accident. This means that you can touch or see the scene and not just a description. A broken stair could cause a fall; a dent in a vehicle showing the damage caused by it being hit; or an overhanging tree that prevented visibility on a bike trail.

Physical evidence is also useful in proving the severity of injuries. Damage to the vehicle can be used to show how serious the collision was. Additionally, clothing that has been ripped or stained can clearly demonstrate your injuries. Keep any evidence as original as possible. Photograph the object if you are unable to preserve it. Later, you can show the evidence to an insurer as proof.

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How to Take Good Photographs

Here are some tips to preserve evidence with photos:

Although smartphones have advanced cameras that can show enough detail and accurately reflect light conditions, you can still use an older-school camera (no Polaroids, though they are not well-known for taking crisp images).

No matter what camera you use to take photos, make sure you have a variety of angles to ensure you can later choose the best ones to show the adjuster.

Photographs should be taken as soon as possible to accurately reflect the situation of the evidence right after an accident.

You should ensure that your smartphone places a time stamp on images or have the film developed immediately. Also, make sure that the photo shop has indicated the date on the backs of prints or on your receipt.

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Locate Witnesses

Witnesses to accidents can prove invaluable in your case against an insurance company. Witnesses might be able describe details about an accident that support your story, which could prove to be very helpful. They may also be able to provide information that you didn’t know about, but which proves the other person is at fault. Even though they were not present at the accident scene, witnesses may have seen you shortly after your injury and can confirm that it was painful or uncomfortable. Alternately, witnesses may have heard you make a statement at an accident scene.

Keep a record of your injuries

You can preserve evidence of injuries by reporting them immediately to a doctor. Also, take photographs of any visible marks, cuts or bruises.

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It will be harder to convince an insurance company later that you were actually injured. Visible injuries heal quickly and don’t look as severe later. Insurance companies may believe your injuries are not that serious or that you exaggerated or invented them after an accident