Here are the top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer



There are various time limitations in place for various types of Personal Injury cases. For instance, accidents that involve the product liability category and wrongful deaths each has their own set of rules.


Depending on the state law and the nature of the accident, the time frame to file a claim against a minor injured doesn’t begin until the victim turns 18. However, medical malpractice may have a shorter time limit if a minor is involved.


A claim must be filed within 60 days of any person who files an action against a local, federal or state government institution an employee, affiliate, or.


Personal injury lawsuits are confined in the time frame for filing fees. This is the case for most cases. However, in the case of the “discovery of the harm” rule the statute of limitation begins when the injured became (or ought to have been) aware of the incident and the reason for it.


There are many factors that affect the degree of liability a defendant is liable in the event of a plaintiff’s injury.

  • Strict liability The lawful principle of strict liability allows the defendant to be held liable for damages resulting from his actions, negligence, or both.
  • The background, experience and experiences of the defendant. For example, in an emergency medical professional who administers first aid will be held responsible for an even higher standard of care than a layperson performing the same action.
  • It is not clear whether the defendant is responsible for the injuries. The concept of comparative negligence applies in circumstances in which more than one party (including the victim) has caused an injury. Each party can be found to be partially responsible.
  • Whether the defendant’s actions directly contributed to the accident directly. If a defendant is the proximate causal factor (his actions directly caused it), he can be held responsible. However, if he is the causal factor (his action caused a chain of events which ultimately resulted in the injury), he can be excused from any responsibility.
  • The exact location and incident. The location and the manner in which the incident occurred, products premises, premises, as well as the liability for liquor, slip-and fall, dog bite, and medical malpractice injury, and other laws could influence the liability of a defendant.


The victim’s injuries, the circumstances surrounding the incident, and the result of the case will determine the type and amount of damages that are given. The injured party must attempt to limit the damage and could seek financial compensation. In certain instances the possibility of punitive damages is offered.

Losses in money, which include:

  • Future medical costs
  • Present cash value (current value of projected future earnings)
  • Lost Local Workers
  • Medical costs
  • Household services comprise the cost of taking charge of the residence of the plaintiff in the course of recovery.

Physical and mental pain, such as:

  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium (loss of the benefits of a relationship as a result of an injury or accident)
  • A loss of enjoyment from life
  • Two of the most difficult things in this world are suffering and pain.
  • Permanent disability
  • Disfigurement


Personal injury cases are settled either in an official lawsuit or, typically, through an informal settlement (a negotiation between the defendant and plaintiff). When the verdict or negotiation is concluded, the settlement will be awarded. Most cases involving mild or minor injuries are settled with a lump sum payment. However, cases that involve more serious injuries are typically settled by the process of a structured settlement.


Structured settlements provide many advantages over lump sum sum payments.

  • Long-term payments. The payment is paid in periodic installments, so the injured receives an income for a period of time up to a lifetime.
  • Flexibility. Many times the injured are able to arrange their payments according to their requirements.


Personal injury is a broad field of law the includes a wide range of practice areas. You should find an attorney experienced in specific personal injury practice areas may increase your chances of receiving an award that is favorable.


Animal bites, as well as other attacks comprise a substantial percentage of personal injury lawsuits. There is a chance that you could receive significant compensation , based on the place you reside and what transpired in the event.


The number of cars on U.S. roadways increase, so do the number of accidents that happen. Car accidents can cause injury and property damage, therefore those who suffer injuries could be entitled to compensation. It is essential to speak with an attorney if you or your loved ones have been injured in a:

  • Car accident
  • Motorcycle accident
  • Truck accident
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Bike accident
  • Accident with personal watercraft


Mass transit accidents are catastrophic for those affected; often many passengers are killed or injured in these events. Mass transit personal injury cases may be filed either individually or as a class action lawsuit.

  • Bus accidents
  • Train accidents
  • Aviation accidents


Premises liability cases can be filed when an individual suffers injuries that could have been avoided when at a property owned by another. Slip and fall injuries are the most typical type of premises liability. These cases involve individuals who fall on slippery floors, dangerous stairs or sidewalks that are uneven.


Although the phrase “slip-and-fall” could be a reference to a damp floor, this phrase actually encompasses all type of premises liability lawsuits. The party responsible for the property could be held accountable if the property is not well maintained, if objects are not properly stacked, or if other unmarked hazards can cause injuries.


It is the responsibility of every designer, retailer, manufacturer wholesaler, distributor or wholesaler selling products to consumers to ensure the safety of consumption by the public. Defective products are still sold. If you or someone else you love has been hurt through product liability, seek out an attorney.

  • Auto defects
  • Dangerous drugs
  • Defective medical products
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Companies that produce prescription drugs must perform thorough tests to make sure that the medications they offer are not only effective , but as well reasonably safe. If a company selling drugs is not able to test its product thoroughly , or fails to inform consumers about the drug’s potential side negative effects, they may be held liable for the injuries suffered by their customers.


Accidents and fatalities at work are more common in dangerous work environments like construction, truck driving shipping, the oil industry. But, people who work in the corporate sector may also be affected by repetitive motion injuries. Victims and their families who have suffered from workplace injuries, or have lost their jobs may be eligible for compensation. This includes medical expenses and personal expenses.


Medical malpractice is defined as any medical error committed by a doctor or another medical professional, which results in injuries to the person or death. It can be caused by inattention by the doctor nurse or hospital staff. Medical malpractice cases may include lawsuits against nursing home negligence and birth injury.


Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that has become a sought-after material in the construction industry due to its durability as well as its heat resistance and chemical inertness. However, asbestos fibers are now known to be harmful if breathed in. The substance was associated with several cancers, so its use was prohibited in the 1970s. Since then, asbestosis and mesothelioma are both linked to asbestos exposure.


If a hazardous product or catastrophic event causes injury to or kills a number of victims, a class action lawsuit can be filed. Instead of every victim filing an individual lawsuit, only one case will be filed and represented by an attorney or law firm. In an attempt to get restitution for all victims, the suit will be filed against any deemed responsible person.

You likely have many concerns about handling injuries from an accident. Do you need to take legal action against anyone because of your injuries? What should you do in that procedure? If you don’t have the proper instructions, it could be difficult to make sound choices, and you could just end up taking no action in the first place. It is vital to find an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Talking to a personal injury lawyer does not mean you have to take legal actions. Speaking with an experienced attorney can assist you in deciding the best course of action regardless of whether you end up filing suit.

Here are the top ten reasons to employ the services of a personal injury lawyer.

#1 No Risk

In general attorneys who specialize in personal injury will only get paid when you win your case. If that’s the situation, you won’t have to worry about mounting legal costs only to lose your case at the end. Before you sign on to an attorney, be sure that they are available to perform work on a contingency fee basis.

#2 – Experience

If you aren’t a lawyer, you simply do not have the knowledge of an attorney for personal injuries. It is tempting to represent yourself in a personal injury case to save money, but this strategy isn’t always effective. To greatly increase your chances of success, you should consult with a professional.

#3 – An Outside View Personal Injury

You cannot objectively look at your situation. There is a chance that you are still experiencing pain and might be holding some negative thoughts about the people who you believe are accountable. Lawyers are not restricted by the emotions of their clients You can count on them give you an objective opinion about the matter.

#4 – In Case of Trial

Should your case wind up in a trial, you will require a professional lawyer to represent you. The courtroom isn’t a place for rookies So make sure that a quality personal injury lawyer is on your team as you walk into court.

#5 – Settlement Options

Injury lawyers are accustomed to negotiations for settlements, and are happy to do so in your situation (if the possibility of settling is possibility). All parties will want to avoid a trial. Your lawyer may be able to negotiate a settlement that is acceptable to everyone.

#6 – Support Staff Personal Injury

Lawyers don’t work alone – typically, they work with an entire team supporting them in their research, conduct interviews and so on. A skilled support team as well as an experienced lawyer can help make your case more successful.

#7 – Legal Speak

Without a law education, reading legal documents can be difficult. Personal injury lawyers will be able to make sense of the court documents.

#8 – Experience in the System

Deciding whether or the need for a lawsuit exists is the initial step in the process, and your lawyer can provide a reputable opinion based on their experience in the area. There is no sense taking an action that is likely to have zero chance of winning and therefore, you should seek an honest opinion before proceeding.

#9 – Dealing With Insurance Companies

Do you want to work with insurance companies while they pay your claims? You probably don’t. Turn that job over to a personal injury lawyer with expertise in this area.

#10 Peace of Mind – Peace of Mind

Serious injuries can have a profound impact on your life. You’ll feel more calm by working with a reputable personal injury attorney.

What to do after an accident that involves a fall or slip?

Accidents will happen, and they can happen at any time. Such is the case with slip and fall accidents. In some cases, the injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents appear to be minor but they can be a significant impact on you physically as well as financially. It is crucial to consider them serious and contact an attorney for personal injuries if you get into a slip and fall accident.

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You can be sued in the event of a slip or fall on public or private property. Any case where negligence is the reason of the accident, you may have the possibility of being a victim. Contact a personal injury attorney to determine if you have the right to compensation. An attorney for personal injuries can examine the entire case and advise you on whether you’re in the middle of a case. The lawyer will look into the case to determine if negligence was the cause. This is proven through the courtroom by the attorney. They could ask you to provide details regarding your accident. If so the judge will inform you if the case is resolved. If negligence is determined to be the reason for your accident, you can pursue your case to seek compensation for your injuries.

It is likely that the insurance company representing the other side could contact you to offer you an arrangement. It is essential to know your rights in this situation before you sign any documents. A personal injury lawyer should be sought out to schedule a consultation. Personal injury lawyers offer free consultations in the majority of instances. You should contact an attorney who handles personal injury cases and inquire about your rights. A no-cost consultation will help you understand your rights as well as provide an idea of the compensation you should be entitled to. There’s nothing to lose so it’s important to seek the advice of an experienced lawyer prior to make any decisions.

It’s quite likely that an insurance companies offer you compensation that is not adequate because they would always attempt to give you the lowest amount of money. It is important to recognize that certain injuries from accidents could have a longer term effect on the way you live. In certain instances, the injuries may occur again. These injuries can have a longer-lasting impact on your financial and physical health. Personal injury lawyers are trained experts who have assisted many people with the similar conditions. They are aware of the impact of injuries on victims’ lives. They also know about personal injury law, which safeguards the victims of slip and fall accidents. After suffering an injury from falling or slip they are in a position to offer an appropriate amount of settlement.

If you are involved in the midst of a slip and fall incident it is essential to speak with a qualified lawyer that specializes in slip and fall accident. While looking for a lawyer, you should ensure that the lawyer has thorough understanding of each element of personal injury law. It is also essential to ensure that he or she has an extensive experience representing the victim of slip and falls. Consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer can assist you in determining your rights and help you determine if you should accept the settlement offer given by the insurance company, or whether you must file a lawsuit in the court to get the amount of compensation you should receive.

Q&A on Personal Injury the Most Common Questions and Answers

What can I do in the event of an injury?

If you believe that someone else was the one responsible for causing your injuries, you may file a claim against the business or individual as well as the insurance company they have. The documentation of your injuries is necessary, including lost wages information, medical records, as well as medical expenses. It is essential to make an honest effort to heal from injuries.

What do I need for a Personal Injury lawyer?

If you are injured and another party is responsible the insurance provider will attempt to obtain the smallest amount possible. Adjusters investigators, lawyers and adjusters all working together to minimize the extent of your injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer will represent your interests and assist you receive the right amount of compensation for your injuries.

What should I expect from my lawyer?

Your lawyer will meet you to discuss your claim and then thoroughly investigate your claim. This will be reviewed:

  • Police reports
  • Medical reports
  • Witness statements
  • Review all applicable laws.

What is the time limit for when I have to make a claim?

There is a limit to how long you are allowed to submit a claim for personal injuries. In Texas, the statute of limitations is two years from the date you suffer an injury.

What is a contingency contract?

Patterson Law Group is one example of a personal injury lawyer that is paid a contingent fee. That means even if the claim is unsuccessful, you won’t owe them any legal fees. The lawyer is compensated with a percentage of the total amount given by the court.

What’s my claim worth?

When you open the case from scratch, it can be difficult to determine the worth of the claim. You might need a few months to completely recover from your injuries. It’s important to calculate the total amount of your medical bills as well as the amount of income you have lost because of the injuries. It takes time to assess whether your injuries will get better.

What do I have the right to Personal Injury claim?

There are numerous types of damages you may be entitled to. These are:

  • Medical expense reimbursement and future medical costs
  • Lost local workers
  • Future earnings potential is lost
  • Two of the most difficult things in life are suffering and pain.

When will my case be resolved?

There is no way of knowing how long it will take for your case to settle. Certain cases can be settled within a matter of months, whereas others take years to settle. Every case has its own unique circumstances.

What can cause my case to needing to go to court?

If you’re subjected to court by an insurance company, they could consider that you or your lawyer have demanded too much sum of money. They might also believe you or your lawyer are not at fault. If they do not believe you are hurt or you aren’t as badly injured as you claim, litigation may be needed.

See also  How can you protect your business from Personal injury claims?

What should I do if I have a case that involves personal injury?

Patterson Law Group is here to help if you’ve been the victim of an unfortunate accident. Contact us today by filling out the contact form here and one of our attorneys will get in touch with you to listen to your story. We don’t charge you unless you are successful.

  • Strategies to Aid You Win Your Personal Injury Case
  • Make sure you are transparent with your lawyer

Present all the facts before your attorney. Don’t conceal any details even if they’re not important or distracting.

Your attorney will decide what information is crucial and what’s not pertinent to your case. This includes medical preexisting issues. Your legal team is able to do an effective job with all the relevant information.

Keep the details of your case to yourself

Don’t discuss the incident until you’ve met with a lawyer who will help you.

Anything you say off the cuff may be put on record and used against you by the opposing party leading the loss of money. The most important thing you do not want to do is to torpedo your case due to an unintentional remarks.

Talk to insurance providers only

Do not give any assurances to insurance companies. A lot of insurance companies deceive people and try to back them into a corner or make them say anything that is detrimental to their case on record. Wait for your lawyer to provide you with the proper legal advice.

Check if you are Ready for a Legal War

Are you able to pay to sue Do you have the funds to spend the time? Most people don’t think to think about these things prior to engaging in legal proceedings. It’s okay to quit when you think it would be too challenging.

Beware of Pie-in-the-Sky Attorneys

  • Beware of lawyers who will promise you million of dollars in damages, without ever hearing your case.
  • Although flashy and loud lawyers are impressive in their words but this doesn’t always translate into competence in the negotiation room or in the courtroom.

Do your Homework Personal Injury

Examine cases similar to the one you’re planning to file, and look at the way they were won or lost. This will give you an idea of what to anticipate, and also help determine if you’ve got a quality claim or not.

However, try to stick to cases that were filed within the last five years since they’re most pertinent.

Make sure you get A Medical Professional to Your Side

Your doctor must be on your side. The doctor who is attending to you is essential in a personal injury case since if he claims that the injury was not caused by the incident the patient has an issue of major importance.

Doctors are considered experts, and their testimony could make or break a case. In order for your doctor’s evidence to be heard in court, it’s essential that they’re credible and have a great reputation.

Keep track of each piece of evidence in your case

Take pictures of everything with the aid of a camera or written documents. Evidence of high-quality is the foundation of any legal proceeding. Collect anything and everything that appears relevant and bring it to the attorney.

Discussing your situation is a great idea Personal Injury

Discussion about your case with a friend is a great idea. People often feel the need to talk about ongoing legal processes. Sometimes, details may be too excessive.

  • It is also possible to be taken out of context by the other party and used against you.
  • Your lawyer and you are a team

Avoid fighting with your attorney or making the situation look unprofessional, particularly when in the presence of others. If there is an issue or something you don’t like, talk about it in private and try to come up with an approach that is common to all.

  • Both attorney and client need to work together for them successful.
  • Be Faithful to the Process

Be patient. A lot of people get overwhelmed because civil disputes require a long time to settle and losing patience could be detrimental to your.

The best approach would be to keep up to date on the latest developments and general strategy with your attorney. Don’t get too exuberant and make a change of thinking mid-way in negotiations.

  • This is a recipe for catastrophe and an excellent chance for your case fail.
  • Be Prepared to Cover Your Bases
  • Discuss the numbers with your attorney. Consider the possibilities of a favorable outcome for your case.
  • Being aware of every possible scenario Find common ground regarding how far you would like to go with the case and the outcomes you’d be willing to accept.

Your character may be the cause of contention Personal Injury

  • You can expect to be a victim of the opposing side will attempt to destroy your reputation in order to win.
  • To win a case, the parties in opposition might use character assassination. This means being at your best.
  • Sometimes, a settlement is an excellent option
  • It is possible to settle your case. This will resolve your case faster and allow you to put everything behind you.
  • Choose the right attorney for you
  • Choose the right lawyer. Don’t pick someone based on a recommendation or an rumor. Examine the qualifications, experience, and skills of the lawyer as well as the company he is employed by before making your decision.
  • Make sure that you like his style and personality. Making an educated choice will make the process much easier for you and your family members.

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